Ikariam Tool Case > Ikariam Subject

  • Name: Ikariam Subject
  • Auto-update: yes
  • What is: It adds a real subject to the messages, that can be shown on the message list
  • Approved: Not yet, request sent on .it, .fr, .com, .org
  • Yeah, useful! Let's get it!
  • A little help? Thank you

Finally, it is possible to add a "real" subject to messages sent: no more single "Message" and "Alliance Message".

When the tool is installed, to add a subject to a message you can add, in the first line of the message itself, the subject enclosed in square brackets. In this way, the recipient, if he has installed the same tool, will see, in the message list, the subject instead of an anonymous "Message".

Messages sent to the alliance can be recognised since they have an "[A]" at the beginning of the message itself.

When you look the message, the subject will be enclosed between hashes in the first line of the message.

sending a message with a subject

message list with subjects

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